Showing posts with label Theophany. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Theophany. Show all posts

Saturday, January 11, 2025

“The People Who Sat in Darkness Have Seen a Great Light”: Homily for the Sunday After Theophany (Epiphany) in the Orthodox Christian Church


Ephesians 4:7-13; Matthew 4:12-17

          In this season we celebrate the great feast of Theophany, of Christ’s baptism when the voice of the Father identified Him as the Son of God and the Holy Spirit descended upon Him in the form of a dove. Epiphany reveals that the Savior Who appears from the waters of the Jordan to illumine our world of darkness is the God-Man, a Person of the Holy Trinity.  He is baptized to restore us, and the creation itself, to the ancient glory for which we were created.  He comes to make all who wandered in the blindness of sin and death radiant with the brilliant light of holiness.

        Tragically, our first parents turned away from their high calling and ushered in the realm of corruption that we know all too well, both in the brokenness of our own hearts and in our relationships with one another.  God gave Adam and Eve garments of skin when they left Paradise after they chose to serve their own self-centeredness instead of Him.  Through their disobedience, they had become aware that they were naked and were cast into the world as we know it. They tried to become human apart from God, Who made them in His image, and their nakedness showed that they had repudiated their vocation to become like Him in holiness.  Having stripped themselves of their original glory, they were reduced to mortal flesh and destined for slavery to their passions and to the grave.   Because of them, the creation itself was “subjected to futility…” (Rom. 8:20)  We have all followed in their way of proud self-centeredness, which inevitably leads to spiritual blindness and despair.

        As we prepared for Theophany, we heard this hymn: “Make ready, O Zebulon, and prepare, O Nephtali, and you, River Jordan, cease your flow and receive with joy the Master coming to be baptized. And you, Adam, rejoice with the first mother, and hide not yourselves as you did of old in paradise; for having seen you naked, He appeared to clothe you with the first robe. Yea, Christ has appeared desiring to renew the whole creation.”   If it seems strange to think of Christ being baptized in order to clothe Adam and Eve, remember St. Paul’s teaching that “as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.”  (Gal. 3:27)   In baptism, Jesus Christ clothes us with a garment of light, restoring us to our original vocation to become like God in holiness.  He delivers us from the nakedness and vulnerability of slavery to our own passions and to the fear of the grave.  Through His and our baptism, He makes us participants in His restoration and fulfillment of the human person. He is baptized in order to save Adam and Eve, all their descendants, and the entire creation, fulfilling the glorious purposes for which He breathed life into us in the first place.

        Our lives after baptism are not, however, without pain, disease, death, and other sorrows.  The more we are illumined by His light, the more clearly we will see the darkness that remains within us.  In contrast with the divine glory of the appearance of our Lord, the darkness of sin becomes all the more apparent.  In the aftermath of Christ’s birth, Herod the Great had all the young boys in the region of Bethlehem murdered. Today’s gospel reading refers to the Forerunner’s arrest by Herod Antipas for prophetically denouncing the king’s immorality.  After the one who baptized Him was arrested, the Lord went to “Galilee of the Gentiles” to begin His public ministry in fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy that “’the people who sat in darkness have seen a great light, and for those who sat in the region and shadow of death light has dawned.’” (Matt. 4:15-16)

        The Jews who suffered under the oppression of the Romans and their client kings knew all too well about darkness, death, and crushed hopes.   Their homeland was controlled by foreigners who worshiped other gods and exploited the people.  Understandably, the dominant expectation among the Jews was for a Messiah like King David to defeat their enemies and establish a reign of national righteousness.  Jesus Christ, however, rejected the temptation to become an earthly king throughout His ministry, from His testing by Satan in the desert to His crucifixion.  He repudiated the idolatrous attempt to identify the heavenly reign with any version of politics or religion as usual in our world of corruption, for they can not help us attain the purity of heart necessary to see God.   Even though the Savior did not seek earthly power, the powerful still viewed Him as such a threat that a wicked king tried to kill him as a small child and the Roman Empire crucified Him at the request of corrupt religious leaders.  He rose in glory over the very worst that those whose hearts were full of darkness could do to their enemies.  Our true hope is in Him, not in any of the false gods that tempt us today to seek first something other than His kingdom.

        We are baptized into Christ’s death in order to rise up with Him into a life of holiness in which we regain the robe of light rejected by our first parents. In every aspect of our lives, we must become radiant with the divine glory shared with us by the New Adam.  In order to do so, we must find healing for the passions that have darkened our hearts and distorted our relationships even with those we love most in this life.  It does not matter whether we are at home, work, school, or other settings, we must reject the temptation to become blinded by pride, lust, hatred, anger, resentment, or the desire to dominate others.  If we have put on Christ in baptism, we must become living icons of His salvation and peace in every thought, word, and deed.

        For that to happen, we must be on guard for all the ways in which we have become accustomed to “the region and shadow of death.”  That requires struggling mindfully each day to obey the Lord’s command: “Repent, for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand.”  Because the Savior has hallowed the water and the entire creation through His baptism, we must remember that nothing in our life and world is intrinsically evil or profane.  No dimension of God’s good creation requires us to return to the nakedness of passion in any way.  Theophany reveals that we are always on holy ground and must speak, act, and think as those who wear a garment of light.  Though we fall short of fulfilling that goal each day, we must constantly strive to turn away from corruption and embrace our high calling “until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.”  That is His gracious will for us all.

        If we are to discern how to fulfill our vocation to bear witness to our Lord in the midst of a world still enslaved to the fear of death, we must focus on opening even the darkest corners of our own souls to the brilliant healing light of Christ.  Doing so requires resisting the temptation to pretend that we know the hearts of others and are in a position to judge them, for that is simply a distraction from doing “the one thing needful” of hearing and obeying the Word of God from the depths of our hearts.  Doing so requires constant vigilance against allowing self-centered desire to corrupt our souls and distort our vision of ourselves, our neighbors, and our world.  Doing so requires turning the other cheek, going the extra mile, and treating others as we would have them treat us, especially when we think we are justified in responding in kind to those we consider our enemies.    Doing so requires turning away from whatever fuels our passions so that we may build peaceable relationships even with those we find it hardest to love.  As we celebrate Theophany in “the region and shadow of death,” let us focus mindfully on living each day as those who have died to sin and risen up into a new life of holiness through the Lord Who has baptized by John in the Jordan for our salvation.  Anything else is a distraction from embracing the full meaning and purpose of our baptism as those who now wear a garment of light and are called to become living epiphanies of the salvation of the world each day of our lives in every thought, word, and deed.